We collaborate with mental health partners, government agencies, healthcare service providers and NGOs to strengthen the fabric of mental health support within our communities.
Our partnerships provide resources and expertise, which allows us to develop comprehensive and effective mental health programmes and initiatives to ensure that persons in need of mental health support have access to appropriate and necessary care.
In collaboration with Kwai Chung Hospital under the Hospital Authority, MINDSET developed Health-in-Mind (“HIM”) Programme for Hong Kong adolescents in 2002. The programme aims to empower secondary-level students as mental health advocates to promote mental health to fellow students, their families, and the public at large through interactive activities and experiential personal development training. The programme has achieved significant success with 98 local secondary schools having participated and over 130,000 students, teachers and parents having benefited thus far.
According to research by Mind HK, 74% of Hong Kong youth believe that more low-cost mental health services are needed for local young people. Early intervention is therefore imperative for early intervention of mild to moderate mental health issues among youth.
In 2021, MINDSET and Mind HK launched the Young Wellbeing Practitioners Programme (“YWP”) based on the Children and Young People’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (“CYP-IAPT”) initiative, which is an established mental health care model that will train a new cohort of practitioners to work with youth aged between 12 and 24 experiencing mild to moderate psychological distress using a low-intensity, manualised intervention. The programme is based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (“ACT”) model, an evidence-based type of psychotherapy currently used for anxiety and depression treatment in many countries.
The YWP programme has now trained 50 practitioners and provided support to 1300 youths since its inception.
A pilot programme in Hong Kong, MINDSET College is an educational platform which provides recovery-focused training and courses on mental health and self-management. In addition to offering courses co-produced and co-delivered by both people-in-recovery and professionals, MINDSET College also helps students find solutions and become experts in self-care by focusing on their potentials and strengths. The programme hopes to provide students a journey to pursue opportunities to realise their goals in life and, through the process, learn how to maintain good health.
MINDSET Place is a home which provides high standards of professional care services for people recovering from chronic mental illness. The goal is to provide a positive and caring environment that will aid recovery, and the results to date have been very positive. With the support of professionals of New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, the residents are able to maintain independent living as they go through their recovery journey to gradually reintegrate into the community.
Jardines and MINDSET were the main sponsors of The Hong Kong Mental Health Conference 2020: Youth in Focus. More than 40 local and international speakers shared research findings and insights on mental health for youths in a three-day hybrid event. The event was well received with over 1,600 participants including medical practitioners, educators, social workers, business professionals and youth.
The More Than A Label anti-stigma campaign is a partnership formed between MINDSET and Mind HK, which aims to change and influence public perception towards persons with diagnosable mental health conditions. The campaign encourages the public to look beyond labels and stereotypes often associated with mental health diagnoses. Through the lived experience of persons with mental health issues, they are trained as ambassadors to share stories and further advocate for mental health awareness through public events and media engagements.